


Creative Services.

We know that great websites need great design.

In fact, the brand of a business is paramount and should drive every part of the graphic design of a business.

We offer a variety of graphic design and creative services to support every aspect of your business.

integrity icon

Logo & Branding.

Logo £195.

Basic Branding £595.

Full Rebrand £995.

Logos and branding go hand-in-hand.

Most business ideas start with a logo – a way to get your ideas and values into a simple visual format.

Logos can be used in so many places to help people easily identify your business.

A branding package is also a crucial part of an organisation’s identity.

Your brand gives a visual definition to every single thing you do and has an even greater impact than a logo.

In fact, some businesses don’t even bother with a logo, they just ensure their brand is so unique to them, that their brand speaks for itself.

Basic branding

  • logo
  • colour palatte
  • typography
  • business card
  • basic brand guidelines

    Full rebrand

    • values, vision & mission workshop
    • logo
    • colour palette
    • typography
    • business card
    • social media assets & templates
    • full brand guidelines

    Print Design.

    From £55.

    We live in an electronic world but often have to get things printed on paper. We offer a full print design service including:

    • flyers
    • posters
    • business cards
    • brochure
    • catalogue

    Each project will be unique so chat to us for a quote. 

    Copywriting & Editing.

    From £55.

    Writing isn’t everyone’s forte, and to get your website recognised you need to have at least 300 words per page (ideally much more). 

    We can help you craft text, or edit what you have to ensure you have great words that match your company’s style and brand.

    We can create blog posts for you. We will interview you, and turn the conversation into any kind of written content.

    We can also offer editing and proof-reading for books or other written projects.

    Photography & Video.

    From £55.

    Sometimes you don’t really want to shell out for a pro photographer. You just want a few pictures of your products, or something for the website. 

    We firmly belive great photography is worth every penny. But also know that you can get amazing results with an iphone.

    We have helped clients with:

    • website cover images
    • products for online shops
    • artwork cataloging
    • video of artwork and sculpture in situ
    • montage of existing images into video
    • online course shooting
    • autocue
    • presentations with voiceover
    • MP3 voice recording.

    You can wrap in these services as part of a pack of hours, or as an addon to your site.

    Book Publishing.

    From £55.

    In our past life, we worked in book publishing and now offer. a full-spectrum publishing service, including:

    • copy-editing
    • proof-reading
    • image research & editing
    • illustrations
    • typesetting for print
    • preparation of files for Kindle
    • publishing onto Amazon
    • preparing files for a printer.

    We can help you self-publish your book onto Amazon as a kindle or paperback. In fact, we have written and self-published 3 books, and helped publish 3 others for clients.

    "Our new branding has been designed by  Webzang as part of our new website and identity.

    We think it reflects who we are and what we do perfectly and we can't wait to share it with you.

    The whole process has been fantastic and we are feeling very excited for the future.

    Webzang also offers sustainable hosting with carbon offsetting, we had no idea that the internet had such a large carbon footprint and are so pleased to have found a hosting company that reflects our values."

    Frome Interiors

    Interior design and cabinet makers

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